graphing calculator

It is best calculator for school 2021

We take a look at some of the best calculatorsfor school by function.

A calculator is among the school supplies you'll see in the school's list of supplies each year. In the middle school or early high school years all you'll require is the basic calculator. But as science and math become more involved, you will require calculators for a variety of tasks.

There are various types of calculators you can pick from and this can lead to confusion regarding which type to purchase. Since calculators become more complicated they are usually more costly. You may be wondering if you should spend more than $50 on a calculator, especially since some calculators are on sale for as little as $10. This guide will outline the various types of calculators available and point you to those that are the best calculators for school.

buyer's manual

Calculators come in many shapes and sizes. Some operate on batteries or solar power, while others require plug-in. For use in school you should avoid electronic calculators that require plug, as well as the printing calculator that accountants and store owners utilize. Then you have the usual function, graphing and scientific calculator.

Best standard function calculators for school

A standard function calculator is typically the least expensive , and it is also the most common. You can get a quality basic calculator at less than $10. It typically comes with an 8to 12 digit display that performs the fundamental kinds of calculations like multiplication, addition, subtraction and division, as well as percent and square root calculations. Some of the best calculators for school are:

Office Depot mini calculator

Pocket-sized size for calculations on in the moment


The light and compact calculator made by Office Depot weighs less than one ounce and is affordable at $5.99 and fits into the pencil case or pocket. The calculator is powered by 2 LR44 cells or solar. Parents of students in the middle-school age group will find this model the best choice for an affordable, portable calculator to do basic maths is needed.


  • Affordable
  • Small enough to be tucked away in a pocket
  • Dark, durable color


  • No cover to secure the keys
  • Only displays up to eight figures
  • Small buttons on the number buttons

$5 at Amazon

Casio MS-80B standard function desktop calculator

A quality desktop calculator with extra features for less than $10.


Casio's MS-80B is more comfortable than other calculators thanks to the larger, palm-sized, surface and angled numerical display. It's affordable at $7.99 on Amazon but it comes with more features than a simple calculator. It can do currency and tax conversions and even calculate profit margin and profit margin, making it an excellent choice for business/economy students.


  • Solar-powered and battery backup
  • Large eight-digit display angled to allow to allow for more comfortable viewing when set flat on a desk
  • Additional functions for percentages and currency calculations


  • Making yourself familiar with the functions can take some effort
  • The larger format has been replaced by size for a pocket.

Deli Mini with standard function calculator with case

A small , but solid enough calculator capable of handling some bumps


If your calculator isn't a success in your bag and you're likely to need to replace it by the end of the year it is possible that a metallic calculator might last longer than the plastic shell versions. This model Deli Mini has a metal body and keys that are rubberized, and also a removable cover that shields your LCD display from damage and scratches. Although the body's construction is stronger the size is still small enough to be able to slip into a pocket of a shirt if needed. The calculator's case has an inside pocket that is cleverly integrated, perfect for holding just a notepad, or even a handful of business cards. The calculator may survive the college years and carry on in your work years.


  • Dual-power solar, with battery backup
  • Longer-lasting metal shell
  • A water-resistant, flip-opening case is space for a notepad or business cards


  • Some customers have reported that the case doesn't fit properly
  • The case that looks like vinyl could be of better quality

Best scientific calculators to use in school

A scientific calculator can handle more complicated multi-step calculations. They're often required for math classes like algebra, geometry and statistics, but also for science and engineering. Scientific calculators are generally costlier than a conventional purpose one, though they can be found for as little as $10.

Texas Instruments TI-30XS MultiView scientific calculator

When math is more complicated than the basics, the TI-30XS is ready to take on the challenge.


Texas Instruments is well-known among calculator nerds for producing some of the best devices at a reasonable price. The TI-30XS retails at $20 and includes the highest-quality math functions and a 4-line display. This is impressive when comparing it with other two-line models that sell at a higher price.

Additionally, it's an calculator that you could grow into. It has enough features to accommodate more advanced users, while making it easy enough for beginners to scientific calculators thanks to TI's exclusive MathPrint mode. It will allow you to perform math calculations using common notation until your get knack of more complicated calculations.


  • Avail advanced features for an affordable price
  • Multiple calculations are possible, and you can also compare the results from the same screen
  • Approved for use during ACT, SAT and AP exams.


  • The color and styling may not be appealing to everyone.
  • A few users feel it's not easy to use, which makes it hard to use

Sharp EL-535TGBBL, a 16-digit scientific calculator

A diverse scientific calculator to help beginners and hundreds of functions for more advanced users.


It's a great option for someone who knows math or science will be their chosen subject but doesn't have any specific direction. There are 422 non-graphing functions available, meaning that it can calculate nearly anything you can think of.

The large display can handle up to 16 digits on four lines. It's dual-powered with solar power, and batteries for backup. The WriteView display lets students visualize symbols and terms like the ones they'd encounter in a textbook. People who are not familiar with a calculator will appreciate having a PC simulator available to teachers, so they can display the calculations in a classroom for all to follow. For advanced users, equation editing and playback is an essential tool. You can go backwards through your work and correct mistakes without having to start from scratch.


  • 422 functions
  • Start from scratch from any of these screens, by hitting the home button
  • Three definable keys permit you to save your own functions


  • There is no printed manual
  • The cover that slides may be susceptible to breaking


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